Description of the service
From fish to fork: (sea)food identification, authentification and tracing of marine species and origin across the (sea)food value chain
Research applications
Academic research at the species, population, hatchery and food level. Proof-of-concept applications in high-throughput molecular identification in the ocean and on land. Commercial implementation on caviar and sushi identification, fish stock delineation, hatchery stock characterisation and management, parentage assignment, catering and ready-to-eat (sea)food.
Other relevant services
Other services across the Tree of Life:
- High throughput RNA/DNA sequencing,
- Single-cell multi-omics analysis,
- Genetic Marker Discovery and Development,
- Whole Genome assembly and Annotation,
- Population Genotyping and Community Characterization,
- Species Identification and Traceability,
- Gene Function Analysis, Identification (barcoding),
- Quantification of Pathogens in Aquatic Organisms.