Uncovering & sharing knowledge
The seas and oceans are the biggest habitat on the planet, produce about 70% of the oxygen we breathe, regulate our climate, and are a significant source of food. Every branch of the tree of life is found below the surface. This diversity of plant and animal life is a potential source for new proteins, technologies, treatments, diagnostic tests, products, natural pesticides, and more. Marine derivatives are already found in numerous items and foods that we use or consume daily, from sunscreen to ice cream and algae salad.
Many of the greatest discoveries have already been made from marine organisms. Our basic understanding of the nervous system comes from squids – because of their gigantic axons. Green fluorescent protein, GFP (used for fluorescent injection), comes from jellyfish. The test being used to diagnose the novel coronavirus – as well as AIDS and SARS – was developed with the help of an enzyme found in marine hydrothermal vents and freshwater hot springs. Much of what we know about embryonic development comes from sea urchins because they produce large transparent larvae.
It’s important to learn, understand, and control biological processes for the benefit of humanity. And we’re here to help researchers go below the surface to uncover and share that knowledge.
We believe that it’s our responsibility to use marine biological resources sustainability and encourage our users to focus on sustainability in their research.

How to connect with us
To spread the word about the oceans/seas and their importance for humanity, and to share interesting (and fun!) information about the relationship between the oceans/seas and our daily lives, we’re leading an ongoing social media campaign called #SeaAndMe. Check out our Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook accounts every Monday for new posts.
We also have other ongoing and short-term social media campaigns to highlight, for example, model organisms and marine scientists. Finally, through our social media platforms, we share news about what’s going on in the field of marine biology, blue bioeconomy, climate, and more, linking to relevant publications, policies, strategy documents, etc.