About EMBRC Spain
EMBRC-ES has three national partners, the Toralla Marine Science Station of University of Vigo, (ECIMAT-UVIGO)the Plentzia Marine Station of the University of Basque Country (PiE-UPV/EHU), as well as the Spanish Bank of Algae of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (BEA-ULPGC). EMBRC Spain's habitat coverage spans from the Southern Bay of Biscay and the Galician rias into the subtropics in the southernmost point of Europe in front of the African coast.
The three Spanish operators have signed a collaboration agreement constituting EMBRC-ES as an entity with no legal personality. Funding for participation of Spain in EMBRC comes mainly from regional governments; Xunta de Galicia (ECIMAT-UVigo), the Basque Government through the Hazi Foundation (PiE-UPV/EHU) and the Foundation Scientific Park of Gran Canarias (BEA-ULPGC). The three University linked operators are active partners in fostering the creation of active and dynamic Regional Blue Innovation ecosystems in their respective regions in accordance with the regional smart specialisation strategies in Galicia, Basque Country and the Canary islands.
EMBRC-ES provides access to estuarine and coastal marine habitats (water column, soft sediment, rocky shores and artificial hard substrates) and to marine biological resources in the collections and environmental specimen biobanks in its operator stations. Housing two algal collections member of the European Culture Collections’ Organisation of the World Federation for Culture Collections (WFCC) the one in BEA-ULPGC is accredited before the Government of Spain as the international authority for the deposit of microorganisms, in accordance with the provisions established in the Budapest Treaty. EMBRC-ES offers a wide range of experimental facilities for ecological and aquaculture research, including climate-controlled rooms and micro- and mesocosms for invertebrate, fish, and micro- and macroalgae culture. The Spanish operators offer equipment and services to study climate-change related and (eco)toxicological issues. An integrated One-Health marine laboratory, and platforms for analytical chemistry, molecular biology, histological, advanced microscopy and image analysis are available as well.
The three institutions have signed a collaboration agreement constituting EMBRC-ES as an entity with no legal personality. Funding for participation of Spain in EMBRC comes mainly from governments at the regional level; Xunta de Galicia in the case of ECIMAT and the Provincial Government of Biscay for PiE-UPV/EHU.

Liaison officer
Illa de Toralla s/n
Estación de Ciencias Mariñas de Toralla
ES-36331, Vigo, Spain
EMBRC-ES partners
Illa de Toralla s/n,
Vigo 36331
Areatza Pasealekua w/n, 48620 Plentzia - Bizkaia Vizcaya, Spain
Muelle de Taliarte, s/n 35214 - Telde, Gran Canaria, Spain