CanServ, an EU-funded project under Horizon Europe, delivers cutting-edge, tailored oncology services across the cancer spectrum. By offering a comprehensive portfolio to scientists across EU and associated countries, it accelerates innovation for the benefit of cancer patients worldwide.

canSERVs mission is to make cutting-edge and customised research services available to the cancer research community EU wide, enable innovative R&D projects and foster precision medicine for patients benefit across Europe. 

A Horizon Europe project
Project dates: 9th of January 2022 to 31st August 2025
EMBRC role : partner
Funding: €14,866,440.50 
Grant agreement number: 101058620

By connecting, coordinating, and aligning existing oncology and complimentary research infrastructures (RIs) and providing services in a synergistic way transnationally, canSERV will capitalise on the critical mass of experts and cutting-edge services offered by canSERVs RIs and their extended network. 

canSERV brings together world-class European life science RIs (BBMRI, EURO-BIOIMAGING, ELIXIR, EU-IBISBA, EuroPDX, EU-OPENSCREEN, INSTRUCT, EATRIS, INFRAFRONTIER, EMBRC, ECRIN, MIRRI, ARIE, CCE, EORTC and IARC) that collectively not only covers all aspects along the development pipeline for oncology, but is also capable of interconnecting these technologies providing users a guidance for navigating them through the entire translational value chain.

Cordis factsheet

Current projects

AQUASERV provides researchers access to top European infrastructures, advancing studies in fisheries, aquaculture, and sustainability, while supporting key EU policies like the Green Deal and Farm to Fork.
DOORS, an EU-funded initiative, aligns with the Black Sea Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) to address challenges and foster Blue Growth in this unique marine basin. By harmonizing research, supporting start-ups, and shaping policy, DOORS aims to transform obstacles into opportunities, ensuring a prosperous and sustainable future for the Black Sea region.
The EU-funded BlueRemediomics project aims to unlock the vast potential of marine microbiomes for sustainable ecosystem services and biodiscovery. Using advanced technologies, it aims to understand the composition, interactions, and functions of marine microbes. BlueRemediomics will develop bioinformatics platforms, innovative culturomics, and high-throughput screening tools to identify natural products. It promotes responsible exploitation, equitable access, and ocean literacy while fostering aquaculture and ecosystem health.
BIOcean5D is a collaborative effort among European institutions to explore marine biodiversity comprehensively. With cutting-edge technologies and extensive research, it aims to understand and preserve marine ecosystems amidst rapid changes in the Anthropocene era. This initiative will generate valuable data, inform ecological theories, develop indicators of ecosystem health, and foster sustainable management of oceans.
ANERIS, funded by the EU, designs Operational Marine Biology to systematically measure ocean life. It combines advanced tools like genomics, bio-optics, and participatory sciences. Through innovation and collaboration, it supports academia, industry, governments, civil society, and research infrastructures, promising enhanced observational systems and innovative life-sensing technologies.
AgroServ, an EU-funded initiative, pioneers a holistic approach to understand and address challenges in agriculture. By integrating diverse stakeholders and employing transdisciplinary research, it aims to foster resilient and sustainable agroecological systems across Europe. Through living labs, data ecosystems, and community building, AgroServ strives to empower farmers and researchers alike, ensuring impactful insights for evidence-based policymaking and long-term sustainability.