Article of interest: Cellular mapping of coral could help save reefs — new study NEWS Over half a billion people depend on coral reefs for food, income & protection, but they're under threat. Cellular mapping may lead to solutions. Read more
Selig Hecht and George Wald: travel, meet good people and you will see the light!! NEWS It all started with a beer - beer deterioration under light, that is. Selig Hecht & George Wald devoted their careers to understanding how light works Read more
Osamu Shimomura, from the glow of the ‘Fat Man’ over Nagasaki to luciferin and the jellyfish green fluorescent protein. The continuous quest for light! NEWS The song may go ‘Love is in the air’, but marine biology, thanks to Osamu Shimomura, has shown us that ‘bioluminescence is in the sea’! Read more
Irene Manton, the algal cell biologist and her electron microscope NEWS Manton revolutionised the study of algae using the electron microscope & is known for her work revealing cilia structure & function of Golgi apparatus Read more
Sea lice: not just any blood and skin-sucking parasite! NEWS While the word 'lice' might have you scratching your head, sea lice are a completely different parasite! They can teach us loads about immune response Read more
Get ready to 'ABS'! We have two new guides NEWS We're excited to introduce EMBRC's two new guides on Access & Benefit-Sharing (ABS), developed with the EBB project & the EMBRC ABS working group Read more
Sigmund Freud, from the eel testis to neurons and psychoanalysis NEWS Freud may be most famous for founding psychoanalysis. But get this! He was also an ichthyologist & carcinologist (a fish and crustacean studying man)! Read more
EOSC-Life brochure on project achievements NEWS EOSC-Life makes it easier for scientists to find, access and use life-science data. See how we've done so far in our new brochure! Read more
Mary Parke, the phycologist with ‘green fingers’ for tiny marine algae NEWS Legislative changes in the UK in 1918-19 encouraged women to take up university study, creating a group of scientific stars including Mary Parke Read more
Sea urchins: gamete ‘production powerhouses’ that serve as excellent models NEWS Used in ecotoxicology, cryopreservation, developmental biology and more, sea urchins are multi-tasking (yet prickly!) model organisms Read more
Meet your match Mr. Mouse! Campaign launch in 10, 9, 8, 7... NEWS We’re rolling out a new campaign to highlight model organisms from the sea: what they are, how they’re being used in research, their impact & more Read more
Ida H. Hyde: Bringing women to the 'scientific table' NEWS For International Women's Day, we bring you Ida Hydes, a woman who brought other women to the 'scientific table' Read more