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EMBRC is rolling out a campaign called #SeaAndMe to raise awareness of how the sea/marine life is related to our everyday lives. Every Monday tell us any fun facts you know & we'll tell you some of ours. 
We are pleased to announce the launch of the updated website. After many months of hard work and dedication from the Marine Training team at Ghent University, the updated website can now be accessed via or
We are happy to announce that EMBRC, through the Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories Expanded (ASSEMBLE Plus) project, is launching a call to participate in Ocean Sampling Day (OSD) 2020, which will take place on 21 June 2020.
The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) and Euro-BioImaging signed a collaboration agreement on 14 May 2020 to enhance communication about their respective services, to promote the development of joint services, and to encourage best-practice sharing and staff exchanges. The collaboration agreement will focus on facilitating access to marine model organisms and encouraging the use of advanced microscopy techniques in their study.
Antarctica’s ‘green snow’ to spread with global warming

A scientist who led the creation of the first ever large-scale map of microscopic algae on the snow covered Antarctic coastline – so-called ‘green snow’ – has joined the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) to continue his research.

Dr Matt Davey comes to the Oban-based institute from the University of Cambridge and has today published findings in the journal Nature Communications that show the current distribution of the algae and how they are likely to spread as the global temperature increases.
The 'Communication Toolkit for European Research Infrastructures' provides an easy and useful set of tools, guidelines and resources to improve the communication strategy and activities of European 'research infrastructures' (RIs) - like EMBRC. Its common use is expected to increase the individual and collective visibility of RIs, by aligning key messages and improving how different stakeholders perceive them.
The Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AORA) Roadmap outlines how the marine microbiome is at the heart of the ocean as a living system, driving its nutrient and biogeochemical cycles, forming the basis of its food webs, performing essential and yet unknown functions in climate regulation, including buffering the effects of global change.
EMBRC Norway, EMBRC's newest country member, began operations in September 2019. To mark the occasion, representatives from EMBRC Norway and EMBRC's Executive Director met in Bergen for a kick-off event.

EMBRC country news

For additional news, see the dedicated country websites (select countries only)