A workshop entitled 'Cooperation Framework between Marine Research Infrastructures' was organised as a side event to the 9th EuroGOOS Conference on 5 May 2021. 

Scientists and officers from 11 marine research infrastructures, or RIs (including EMBRC), and marine research communities across Europe gathered to discuss future strategy in the context of the UN Decade of Ocean Science and the European Ocean Observing System. The aim was to address and plan the next steps for the following topics:

  • sharing of knowledge and expertise,
  • strengthening cooperation on both field activities and new technologies,
  • creating robust interactive data interfaces,
  • promoting joint activities on marine research and services,
  • raising public awareness on marine environmental issues.

The report from this side event, endorsed by all the 11 of the marine RIs is now available for download here: Marine RIs side event - 9th EuroGOOS Conference

Concrete collaboration actions were identified during the course of the meeting, which will have to be prioritised by the RIs in the near future. Several ongoing EU projects provide a framework to develop the proposed collaboration actions (eg EuroSea, Euro-Argo RISE, GROOMII), and upcoming projects may also serve to support their advancement.

About EuroGOOS

EuroGOOS identifies priorities, enhances cooperation and promotes the benefits of operational oceanography to ensure sustained observations are made in Europe’s seas underpinning a suite of fit-for-purpose products and services for marine and maritime end-users.

EuroGOOS is the European component of the Global Ocean Observing System of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC GOOS). The EuroGOOS Secretariat is located in Brussels, serving 44 members and supporting five regional systems in Europe. 

EuroGOOS working groups, networks of observing platforms (task teams), and regional systems (ROOS), provide fora for cooperation, unlock quality marine data and deliver common strategies, priorities and standards. These many EuroGOOS networks work towards integrated, sustained and fit-for-purpose European ocean observing, underpinning the EOOS framework.

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The digitalisation of science offers massive potential to EMBRC’s work towards better understanding of biodiversity in the ocean. Tackling complicated topics requires huge volumes of data that we must properly mine to advance marine science and meet the 30x30 goals.