The latest edition of EMBRC HQ updates is out! Find out what the headquarters team has been up to (from 17 September to 17 December 2021). 

Purpose? To update the EMBRC General Assembly (GA) on progress on the main items of work activity at EMBRC HQ. But we're pretty sure the general public will enjoy reading about our latest news including updates about services, participation in events/conferences, project updates, communications news, and more. 

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The digitalisation of science offers massive potential to EMBRC’s work towards better understanding of biodiversity in the ocean. Tackling complicated topics requires huge volumes of data that we must properly mine to advance marine science and meet the 30x30 goals.
When you think of World Ocean Day, you might imagine sharks, whales, dolphins, and turtles – charismatic animals that beguile us with their intelligence, ingenuity, and fascinating behaviours. 

But the vast ocean is teeming with life and even the tiniest organisms play their part in keeping our planet healthy.