New EuroGOOS (European Global Ocean Observing System) 'Biological Observations Working Group' (BIOWG) kicks off today, 1 October 2021. The group will be chaired by EMBRC Executive Director, Nicolas Pade.

As EuroGOOS starts implementing its 2030 Strategy, the EuroGOOS General Assembly approved the establishment of the BIOWG in May 2021. The BIOWG is the first Working Group within the biological discipline in EuroGOOS, and will help the organisation expand its scope into ocean health and climate services and create closer links with the marine biological community in Europe.

With Nicolas Pade as chair, the BIOWG will work on developing rigorous and operationally-focused standard specifications and operating procedures to generate quantitative and qualitative biological data products to integrate into existing ocean observation programmes and modelling efforts.

The BIOWG includes 29 members from 24 organisations from 17 nations. Its initial work will focus on eDNA, multi-omics, and imaging. 

Building and strengthening links and collaboration across different disciplines is essential for achieving a well-coordinated and integrated European operational oceanography and ocean observing capacity. This kick-off meeting represents a decisive step towards this goal and an excellent opportunity to work, collaborate, and create closer ties with the marine biological community.

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The digitalisation of science offers massive potential to EMBRC’s work towards better understanding of biodiversity in the ocean. Tackling complicated topics requires huge volumes of data that we must properly mine to advance marine science and meet the 30x30 goals.