EMBRC France is participating in two new projects, which were recently awarded through the Equipex+ call managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR):

  • 'Augmented Observatories of the National Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC-France)' (AO-EMBRC)
  • 'Mutualised Digital Spaces for FAIR data in Life and Health Science' (MuDiS4LS)

In these projects, several French research infrastructures will work towards enhancing coordination to improve user experience and contribution to current research and societal challenges, which demand multi-disciplinarity in the widest sense.

AO-EMBRC develops and deepens EMBRC’s EMO BON approach. It goes beyond the genomic observatories, and takes advantage of the know-how and expertise of the three marine biological stations participating in EMBRC France: Station biologique de Roscoff, Observatoire Océanologique de Banyuls-sur-Mer and Institut de la Mer de Villefranche-sur-Mer.  The project is a consortium of three French research infrastructures (EMBRC France, the French Bioinformatics Institute, France Génomique) and two research communities considered to be representative of the communities and user profiles that would be interested in the services developed within the project: OSU STAMAR and Tara Go-See. The project started in September 2021 and will last for five years.

MuDis4LS is a more ambitious project, with seven French research infrastructures involved. French Bioinformatics Institute is the coordinator and EMBRC France is identified primarily as a 'data producer'. The project aims to address challenges posed by current and future high-throughput technologies, which produce exponentially growing amounts of data. For the purpose of open science, these data need to be stored, processed, transferred, integrated, secured, properly annotated with metadata, and made accessible via repositories. 

Both projects are an examples of the French national effort, which mirrors the European effort, towards empowering Europe through world-class and accessible research and technology infrastructures, which are crucial enablers of research and innovation, and drivers of multidisciplinary and data-intensive science.

Sorbonne University (coordinator of AO-EMBRC) and the French National Research Council (CNRS), EMBRC France's 'Operators', granted participation in these projects.

Source text: EMBRC-France

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The digitalisation of science offers massive potential to EMBRC’s work towards better understanding of biodiversity in the ocean. Tackling complicated topics requires huge volumes of data that we must properly mine to advance marine science and meet the 30x30 goals.