Edith Heard, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Director General, and Nicolas Pade, Executive Director of EMBRC, have signed a memorandum of understanding for increased scientific collaboration between their respective organisations.
Many of the actions envisioned in EMBL’s new Planetary Biology transversal theme would connect perfectly with some of EMBRC’s marine stations. Joining forces with EMBRC will be highly beneficial for both sides and for European science', explains Edith Heard. 'The various forms of potential collaborations, in particular with regard to EMBL’s European coastline exploration project, are manifold'.
EMBRC is a European research infrastructure that provides researchers and companies with access to marine organisms and the facilities to study them, including experimental facilities and technological platforms. With this memorandum of understanding, the organisations join forces to understand at the molecular, cellular, organismal, and population levels how microbes, algae, plants, and animals interact with each other and respond to environmental change. As well as supporting research teams from across Europe, EMBL and EMBRC will pursue the development of novel experimental systems, specialist equipment such as imaging technologies, and environmental monitoring sensors and tools.
'We are looking forward to supporting EMBL’s new programme and to offering our respective communities new and exciting research, innovation, and knowledge-exchange opportunities', says Nicolas Pade. 'We believe that European and international researchers will benefit greatly from this collaborative effort to enhance science, innovation, and training'.
Mathias Jäger
EMBL Press Officer
Heidelberg, Germany
Email: mathias.jaeger@embl.org
Cell: +49 176 62397500
Sabrina Gaber
EMBRC Communications Officer
Paris, France
Email: media@embrc.eu
About EMBL
EMBL is Europe’s flagship laboratory for the life sciences. We are an intergovernmental organisation established in 1974 and are supported by 27 member states, 2 prospective member states and 2 associate member states.
EMBL performs fundamental research in molecular biology, studying the story of life. We offer services to the scientific community; train the next generation of scientists and strive to integrate the life sciences across Europe.
We are international, innovative and interdisciplinary. We are more than 1800 people, from over 80 countries, operating across six sites in Barcelona (Spain), Grenoble (France), Hamburg (Germany), Heidelberg (Germany), Hinxton (UK) and Rome (Italy). Our scientists work in independent groups and conduct research and offer services in all areas of molecular biology.
Our research drives the development of new technology and methods in the life sciences. We work to transfer this knowledge for the benefit of society. www.embl.org
EMBRC, the European Marine Biological Resource Centre, is Europe’s research infrastructure for marine biological resources and marine ecosystems. We provide access to wild-type macro and microorganisms, culture collections of microorganisms, and a wide variety of model organisms relevant to fundamental and applied research.
EMBRC sites are spread across nine countries and provide access to ecosystems from the Norwegian Artic to tropical Israel. Our on-site laboratories and experimental set-ups cater to all types of research involving marine biological organisms, from gene expression and physiology to ecology and climate change impact, with support from our highly-experienced technicians.
EMBRC aims to advance the understanding of life in the oceans and sustainably harness its potential for the benefit of humankind in sectors such as food, health, and biotechnology. www.embrc.eu