Oceans are the lungs of our planet. They provide most of the oxygen we breathe and are an important source of food and medicine. We need healthy oceans for our health and the planet’s.
The European Marine Biological Resource Centre, or EMBRC, enables researchers to deepen our understanding of our impact on the oceans to ensure the sustainable use of our oceans’ resources.
EMBRC is a European 'research infrastructure' that provides researchers and companies with access to marine organisms and the facilities to study them, including experimental facilities and technological platforms. Headquartered in Paris, it brings together 45 marine stations and institutions in 9 member countries.
In this video, EMBRC's Executive Director, Dr Nicolas Pade, describes what EMBRC is, how it's organised, and its impact. He also explains what's in store for the future and how EMBRC will continue striving to provide sustainable solutions to some of our most pressing societal issues.
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How EMBRC Greece is developing innovative disease control strategies in marine aquaculture
A new paper published in Nature Communications has utilised EMBRC’s EMO BON network to make an important discovery about marine biodiversity richness. In this Q&A Matthias Obst, University of Gothenburg explains the significance of this new publication.
The digitalisation of science offers massive potential to EMBRC’s work towards better understanding of biodiversity in the ocean. Tackling complicated topics requires huge volumes of data that we must properly mine to advance marine science and meet the 30x30 goals.