The European Marine Biological Resource Centre Biobank (EBB) project is coming to an end. As the final event of the project, a virtual symposium will be held on March 23rd (09:30-12:30 CET) on Biobanking and Marine Diversity. Register here
The main goal of the EBB project is to facilitate sustainable access to marine biodiversity, its associated data, and extractable products for local and international academia and industry users, and to incentivise biodiversity conservation in coastal ecosystems by promoting compliance with Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) regulations derived from the Nagoya Protocol.
The symposium is aimed to present the main outputs (management tools) produced in the framework of EBB project during the last four years and initiate the spread of outcomes specially among EMBRC members, as well as other biobanks, culture collections and stakeholders.
The main results that will be presented are:
- EBB TRACE database: a searchable catalogue of the full range of marine biological resources that could be provided by the EBB Biobank
- EBB TRACK tool: instrument for the provision of macroorganisms in culture collections service supply and biobank management
- 'The EBB / EMBRC guide to ABS compliance. Recommendations to marine biological resources collections’ and users’ institutions'
- The practical guide for users 'Seek, keep & transfer: A step-by-step guide to ABS compliance when utilizing marine genetic resources'
- The training webinars on key aspects of ABS
View this event announcement on the EBB website
Learn more about EBB