The 'ASSEMBLE Plus Conference 2022 - Marine biological research at the frontier' is taking place online from 13-24 June 2022.

The conference includes keynote speakers, invited lectures by ASSEMBLE Plus users, matchmaking with industry, service/technology demonstrations, and workshops. This year, the conference will also have a side-event, The EMBRC Clinic, targeting industry sectors that could benefit from scientific advances in marine biotechnology such as in aquaculture, cosmetics, nutraceuticals, biofibres, biofuels, and more.


ASSEMBLE Plus provides scientists from academia, industry and policy with a quality-assured programme of Transnational Access (TA) and Virtual Access (VA) to marine biological stations offering a wide variety of marine ecosystems, unique marine biological resources, state-of-the-art experimental and analytical facilities with integrated workflows, historical observation data, and advanced training opportunities. 

Launched in October 2017, the project will end on 30 September 2022. EMBRC is the project coordinator. 
Funding: €9,999,911.48 (Horizon 2020, under grant agreement number 730984)

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