About the service
Site where it is available
LiceLab is a wet-lab located at the Sea Lice Research Centre (SLRC), hosted by University of Bergen, Norway
LiceLab Design: Small incubators
The uniqueness of LiceLab lies in the availability of multiple lice strains and the possibility to use molecular biology applications to study them. LiceLab's design is distinguished by small incubators. The small incubators can be used for selective breeding of salmon louse, evaluation of egg string hatching and development success of planktonic stages. We also use them for RNAi experiments on early stages and various drug efficacy assays.
Each rack can hold eggs from 16 females in separate incubators with separate water supplies. A 0.9×4 meter wet table can hold up to 100 racks, providing a total capacity of 1600 incubators. The water flow is about 20-25ml/min of seawater pr. incubator. The sea water is filtered through a sand filter and a fine filter (20my) before it runs through a column aerator and into a master header tank connected to the water distribution system.
Each incubator fits under a stereomicroscope when placed in a petridish with some water. The incubators can be carried in the level tank filled with water. This makes it easy, for instance, to bring them to the stereomicroscope for inspection of content. Larva can be used directly or to infect Atlantic salmon in singel fish tanks or ordinary fish tanks for further assessment.
*Pictured: Lars Hamre showing the incubators

EMBRC-NO liaison officer at Sea Lice Research Center:
- post.slrc@uib.no
- Lars Hamre, lars.hamre@uib.no
- Frank Nilsen, frank.nilsen@uib.no
(Image: Marineholmen in Bergen, where LiceLab of University of Bergen is located. ©GC Rieber Eiendom AS)

This LiceLab is located at the University of Bergen and benefits from being part of a large, research-intensive university (eg receiving high-quality support services like library services). The city centre is within walking distance from the facility, and visitors can find a wide range of accommodations in the town.