The Coordinated Research Infrastructures Building Enduring Life-science services (CORBEL) project aimed to establish shared services between Biological and Medical Sciences Research Infrastructures (BMS RIs - now referred to simply as 'Life Science RIs' or 'LS RIs'), including EMBRC, which are part of the the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructure (ESFRI). This was achieved by creating cross-infrastructure scientific workflows and developing a suite of common services in response to specific user and research infrastructure needs.
Partnerships with user communities working in European programmes such as Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) or ERA-NETs (European Research Area Networks) and private-public partnerships such as the Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) were further developed through the project.
Project dates: 1 September 2015 to 31 May 2020
EMBRC role: participation in the transnational access (TNA) programme, standardised service offer, innovation desk, working group on quality management, training
Funding: €14,837,800 (Horizon 2020, under grant agreement number 654248)
Learn more on CORDIS (European Commission website)