Partnerships with institutions & networks
EMBRC values partnerships and collaboration with its fellow ‘research infrastructures’ (RIs) in Europe and beyond. EMBRC fosters is partnerships with RIs through the signing of collaboration agreements or memorandums of understanding (MoUs). RIs with which EMBRC has signed one of these documents are listed below.
In addition, EMBRC is involved in networks of marine science organisations such as EuroMarine.

EMBL: European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Early February 2021, EMBRC and EMBL signed an MoU to enhance collaboration and assist each other in their shared goal of learning more about the Earth’s oceans.
More specifically, the organisations will join forces to understand at the molecular, cellular, organismal, and population levels how microbes, algae, plants, and animals interact with each other and respond to environmental change. As well as supporting research teams from across Europe, EMBL and EMBRC will pursue the development of novel experimental systems, specialist equipment such as imaging technologies, and environmental monitoring sensors and tools.

EMBRC and Euro-BioImaging signed a collaboration agreement on 14 May 2020 to enhance communication about their respective services, to promote the development of joint services, and to encourage best-practice sharing and staff exchanges. The collaboration agreement will focus on facilitating access to marine model organisms and encouraging the use of advanced microscopy techniques in their study.

EMSO: European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory
On 21 December 2018, EMBRC and the European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) signed an MoU. The MoU strengthens the strategic partnership between two 'Landmark' EU marine RIs in the battle against environmental threats which most affect European seas and polar regions, and which impact the lives of millions of people worldwide.
The MoU sends a strong signal about the importance of working together to implement the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to address challenges in assuring the sustainability and the cleaning of oceans - from the reduction of marine litter and particularly of plastics, to minimisation of oil-rig decommissioning marine pollution, to promoting and developing blue biotechnology sectors and jobs, and countering anthropogenic threats to biodiversity.

Launched in 2014, EuroMarine is a European marine science network. It brings together research and academic organisations working to advance marine science. EuroMarine aims to identify and address important emerging scientific topics or issues and foster new services relevant to the marine science community.
EMBRC is part of EuroMarine’s new governance structure along with DTU Aqua, EMBRC Portugal partner CIIMAR, and ERINN Innovation.